About me
Reverend Christina Clifford
     Allow me to introduce myself, I am Reverend Christina Clifford. I'm married to my best friend Paul, and we have two wonderful daughters. They both attend college, which makes us very proud . We have been very blessed with a happy marriage, and home.
      I started performing weddings when a family friend couldn't find a minister that would travel to their location. I am currently working on my degree in Ecolgy along with other studies.  I have done some very different types of weddings, all of which are beautiful in their own way! I find each ceremony is as unique as a fingerprint; no two are the same. 
     All my couples are very special to me. Nothing is more important than helping them communicate and share with their loved ones the importance of their union. I believe in each couple, in their love and commitment to one another. I feel truly blessed to be given this authority to unite two people as loving partners for all time and eternity. 
pictures  by
​Samantha Vining

Rev. Christina Clifford